About Kiwi Tipi Rentals
While traveling around the UK for 10 years Hayden Doel was introduced to tipis at a number of events, from massive festivals to intimate weddings. Straight away he knew tipis were something special that he could to offer Kiwis (other than his plumbing skills) which would quite literally change the landscape for any special event.
After returning home in 2011 Hayden introduced Kiwi Tipi Rentals to the market in mid 2013. Since then Hayden and his Christchurch based team now host tipi events all across New Zealand.
At this stage we only have the two giant Nordic tipis, limiting our floor plan options to either a single tipi or joining the two together. As the business grows we hope to invest in more tipis, enabling us to offer you more exciting floor plans. Since there is no limit to how many tipis can be joined together we can in coming years cater for larger events.